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Access Control

What are the Pros of Access Control Systems

Accessibility – Access can be controlled using few alternate options, including biometrics (Finger prints), an FID key fob, or swipe key card. Due to this, traditional keys are no longer a necessity. As a result of keeping things better organised, the risk of a security breach is reduced.

Optimal Control – With access control systems, a master system controls doors. This master control monitors access to these doors and modifies it when needed. If someone had access to a certain area of the company but that area is now out of bounds, it would only take a few minutes to modify the individual’s access.

Monitoring – Keeping an eye on who is coming and going from different areas is possible with an access control system. Information as to the time the access card/biometrics was used is also provided. This enhanced security system gives the company more control over the employees whereabouts, especially if they are not authorized to enter certain parts of the business.

Surveillance – In some cases, access control systems are linked with a surveillance system. Not only is an employee’s card registered when entering and exiting of authorized areas, but video captures every occurrence as well. When a breach is suspected, this is beneficial. For instance, if an employee’s card was lost or stolen and then used to enter an authorised area, an official with the company can pull up surveillance and identify who had used the card.

Integration – Access control systems seamlessly integrate with other security products, thereby creating a centralised management solution.

Individuality – Every employee’s access card is customised for each employee’s personal use with an access control system. As a result, restrictions on certain doors can be placed. Building layers of restrictions based on schedules and other factors is also a key feature to benefit this system.

Manageability – Information is stored on a centrally managed database, making access remotely from any computer on the network easy. Only a few select people have this authorisation.

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